Professional life

The sophrology can help you with... Joy and success Self-confidence Enhancing abilities Stress management Sleep Weight loss

In order to help you overcome the frequent difficulties in your professional life and to regain confidence in yourself, your resources and your talents, I propose a therapeutic programme based on my practical experience, my training and my research.

Helping you to overcome the difficulties you encounter

It is natural to encounter difficulties at work, whatever your job or level of responsibility. But if these difficulties persist, they can become disabling and affect all areas of your life.

  • Stress about achieving goals;
  • Loss of self-confidence;
  • Feeling unappreciated for your talents;
  • Feeling blocked in your own development;
  • Difficulties in dealing with colleagues and management;
  • Difficulties in communicating due to cultural or linguistic differences;
  • Difficulties speaking in meetings or groups;
  • Difficulties adjusting to a new job or position;
  • Problems with memory and concentration;
  • Problems with time management;
  • Balancing work and personal life;
  • Insomnia, dizziness, migraines;
  • Help and support when a colleague is ill or dies.

I am familiar with these situations, having worked for 20 years in environments ranging from SMEs to large corporations.

Don’t doubt your vitality and skills are there! I can help you find them!