Ikigai Therapy

The sophrology can help you with... Joy and success Self-confidence Enhancing abilities Stress management Sleep Weight loss

Energy and Relaxation Sophrology, Reiki, Ikigai, Magnetism, Feng Shui, Meditation, Tai Chi Chuan, Clairvoyance. Online consultations, wherever you are in the world.

Rediscover the vitality within you with tailored solutions to boost your confidence and regain lasting balance.

Noëlle Kasai and her team guide you with kindness to help you find the path to happiness and success.

Who we are

My name is Noëlle Kasai. I’m French. I am a sophrologist, relaxologist, an energetician and a life coach.

Graduated with a Master in sophrology, and with the experience of a first clinic opened in France, I created a therapeutic program based on sophrological techniques, on the in-depth study of energy, as well as on techniques of taichi chuan and meditation.

My sophrology clinic is in Narita, Japan. I also consult via Skype, anywhere in the world. I also work for companies, retirement homes, schools and various associations.


What our patients say



The relaxation session with the “Vittoz” method that Noelle just gave me brought me a lot of relaxation and pleasant sensations. My back pain decreased immediately and with each session, I don’t have any pain at all. Thank you Noelle for freeing me from this pain that I had for years!




Noelle has a really soothing voice. I relaxed with her and immediately felt much better. After several sessions, I see things completely differently and I am able to find calm much more easily. Thank you Noelle!




I came to Noelle on the advice of a friend. I had tried all kinds of therapies for years that didn’t work. I didn’t believe in them at all. Noelle knew how to be patient and was able to feel my suffering long before I told her about it. After 20 sessions, the pain I had in me since I was a child disappeared completely. Noelle gave me back the joy of living when I thought it was impossible.




The bear pose that Noelle taught me allowed me to release my tensions, reaffirm myself and regain my confidence. Thank you so much!




The technique of the “colors of life” and the “cave” brought me a lot of relaxation but especially a lot of inner warmth. The materialization of my sensations and also of my obstacles allowed me to understand why I was where I am today. Noelle helped me to eradicate them and today I feel like a new person! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!




The “Schultz” relaxation that Noelle taught me has given me a very powerful way to stop stressing at work and to manage my stress in work situations that I could not control before. My work is better and so are my relationships with my colleagues. What a change and… what a relief! Thank you!




Thank you Noelle for this detox day where I was fully ressourced. Thank you for your presence, your good mood, your generosity and the energy you gave us. Thank you again for this meeting! When I feel stressed, I use the breathing techniques and the atmosphere of that day comes back to me. Great zenitude!




Noelle has a really soothing voice. I relaxed with her and immediately felt much better. After several sessions, I see things completely differently and I am able to find calm much more easily. Thank you Noelle!


What does Ikigai mean?

Ikigai is a Japanese term that combines two words: “iki”, meaning “to live, vital energy,” and “gai”, meaning “reason,” which translates to “a reason to live.” It is a concept that encourages people to discover what truly matters to them and to live a personal and professional life filled with meaning, joy, and success.

I also incorporate this concept of balance into my coaching and sophrology sessions.