Article 1: The Practitioner’s Relationship with Patients or Clients
This is a professional relationship in which the well-being of the Patient – Client is the Practitioner’s primary concern. The Practitioner strictly refrains from making any false promises of healing.
Article 2: Respect for Patients – Clients and Their Individual Freedoms
The Practitioner must listen and treat each person with the same level of care and attention, regardless of their origin, family situation, ethnicity, nationality, religion, disabilities, health condition, reputation, or personal feelings towards them. The Practitioner remains neutral at all times and refrains from any form of proselytism regarding political, philosophical, or religious beliefs.
Article 3: Recognizing the Inherent Influence of the Practitioner-Client Relationship
The Practitioner acknowledges the importance of the therapeutic relationship in achieving effective results. They must act accordingly and never exploit Patients – Clients financially or emotionally for personal gain.
Article 4: Moral Contract
Contracts between the Practitioner and Patients – Clients, whether written or verbal, must be respected by both parties.
- Therapy: The duration of the therapy, referral to another practitioner, and termination of therapy are subject to discussion with the Patient – Client, with mutual agreement being sought.
- Session Duration: Each session lasts between 30 minutes (for children) and 1.5 hours. Patients – Clients are required to turn off their mobile phones and refrain from answering non-urgent calls during the session.
- Session Conduct: The Practitioner operates within their area of expertise and disclaims responsibility for any accidents or medical incidents resulting from an undisclosed health condition of the Patient – Client. In such cases, the Practitioner will call emergency services, and the Patient – Client agrees to comply with the Practitioner’s decision.
- Payment Terms: Payment can be made in cash, via PayPal, or by credit card. For in-person sessions, payment is made at the end of each session. For online consultations via Skype, payment must be made at least 24 hours in advance. Prices are displayed at the Practitioner’s clinic and on their website. They are non-negotiable, non-modifiable, and non-refundable.
- Session Cancellations: Cancellations must be made at least 24 hours in advance. Otherwise, the full session fee will be charged, as the time was reserved for the Patient – Client. In case of an emergency, the Practitioner may decide whether to issue a refund.
Article 5: Competence
The Practitioner only accepts Patients – Clients within their field of expertise and training. If a case falls outside their competence, they will inform the Patient – Client and, if necessary, refer them to a qualified Practitioner.
Article 6: Consultations for Medical Conditions
For consultations related to a medical condition, the Practitioner must ensure that the Patient – Client has received a medical diagnosis, supported by radiological, biological, or other relevant documents. A Sophrology Practitioner must never interfere with or judge an ongoing medical treatment.
Article 7: Personal Development and Continuous Training
The Practitioner commits to ongoing personal and professional development through personal therapy, regular supervision, and additional training.