My background

The sophrology can help you with... Joy and success Self-confidence Enhancing abilities Stress management Sleep Weight loss

I offer my help to adults and children of all ages, to men and women in their personal and professional lives, to top athletes and public figures. I also intervene in companies for stress management seminars, in hospitals, schools and associations.

I worked in the human resources department of several large companies and was responsible for helping expatriate employees and their families to integrate in France. This job required a lot of listening and understanding. I wanted to go further in the help I could give.

I wanted to know the therapeutic techniques that help people in situations of discomfort, difficulties and problems.

So I decided to quit my job and study sophrology in Paris. I obtained my diploma as a sophrologist and went on to obtain a master’s degree in sophrology. At the same time, I obtained a diploma in palliative care. I then went on to train as a Life Coach in the personal and professional fields.

I also followed a cycle of training in anatomy and physiology in order to know the human body perfectly, an essential point for me. I travelled a lot, especially in Asia and Tibet. Wherever I went, I continued to study, looking for teachings that could broaden my knowledge in the field of wellbeing and personal care.

Already endowed with great sensitivity, I became interested in meditation and its techniques of breathing, rejuvenating, cleansing the body, chakra in Tibet with Buddhist masters and Reiki in Sichuan. I had the opportunity to study Tai Chi Chuan for 8 years with a world famous master in Taiwan, gaining 5th dan, and to study magnetism and hand application with a Chinese master. Usui Reiki was passed on to me by a Japanese master. Each of my trainings helped me to progress on my personal path and to add them to my therapeutic techniques, in addition to Sophrology, which consequently widened the help I give today.

Being away from my family, my loved ones, my country, some painful episodes in my life were not easy to deal with at times. It was also necessary to adapt to new and totally unknown cultures and to work with very different people. Today I see this journey as a wonderful gift that has allowed me not only to broaden my horizons, but also to develop and refine my therapeutic skills in order to create my own treatment programme.

I have created a therapeutic programme based on sophrological techniques, my in-depth study of energetics, as well as tai chi and meditation techniques. I offer remote Reiki treatments for you or a loved one. My diploma in Sophrology is awarded by the French Association of Sophrology, so you can ask for the consultation to be reimbursed (check with your complementary insurance).

I also studied at an energy science institute in Taiwan, where I learned magnetism techniques. I worked with a team of magnetizers in a large hospital in Taipei in a children’s neuro-oncology ward.

I have created my own therapeutic techniques by combining all my knowledge and these have proved to be very effective during my consultations in France and all over the world. Do not hesitate to contact me, I am waiting for you.

My vocation: to help you find the path that will give you vitality, confidence and the desire to go further!

What I propose to you

  • Personalised sessions tailored to your needs and objectives;
  • Sessions that will make you progress quickly with the help of a detailed therapeutic plan;
  • Sessions that will free you from all the obstacles that have been holding you back.


Get in touch with me and together we will examine your needs and goals and see how we can help you move forward in your personal or professional life!